Wednesday, August 29, 2012


The sweet treats of being home.

Sorting out the mess and debris of our return. Everything is ok at the house. I think the cats were spoiled by lots of great people.

- Joanna


Friday, August 24, 2012


There is nothing like a train ride to make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. We had a great night at the Millenium hotel. The bed was delicious. And Didn't want to get out of it. At the airport now standing in line at security:

- Joanna

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Leaving on the train

We shut everything down, packed up and now we are on the train leaving Seward and headed to Anchorage. Looking forward to this train ride, then a Hotel room with a KING SIZE BED! Tomorrow direct flight to Honolulu.

Here is a photo of the crew yesterday when the boys left:

What a great summer!

- Joanna

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The boys are leaving...

We have been wrapping up this week, which basically involves cleaning absolutely everything. We aren't finished yet, but there is still some time for Jeff and I. The boys, as I call them, Ty and Bryce, are leaving today and I'm sad to see them go. Like the galley Mom I have become this summer, I keep making all their favorite foods from the summer. We have had the full chicken fried steak dinner, smoothies, French toast, more smoothies, burritos and lastly today, chile cornbread casserole from Ma's recipes. I will make sure they have sandwiches for the train tonight.

I knew the season would end, but I didn't realize it would happen so fast. They are such good guys and they have taught me so much. There's Ty, our engineer, who makes us laugh with his razor sharp wit. Even when he's in a good mood, he sounds grumpy. Bryce, our deckhand, balances our crew out with his easy going manner and willingness to touch (and sometimes eat) almost anything that came out of the salmon pump. All of us led by our Captain and my wonderful husband, who kept us on track and had fun right along with us. Quick to laugh and infinitely patient is how I would begin to describe our Skipper and leader. We all know that none of this was possible without Jeff.

I have more stories to share, and lots of photos and videos. Please keep checking in and as I finish writing, I will post them. I can't sum up all that these men have taught me in this little blog. I have said before that I'm blessed to have had this opportunity. That remains true as I think of my crew mates, Ty and Bryce. Thank you boys.

Well shit, I realize how sappy this sounds, and I'm actually getting all choked up just thinking about saying goodbye. But the season is over and everyone has to move on to what is next for them. Before they go, I will try to let them know how grateful I am and that I wish them all the best this year. Hopefully we can do this again next year. It would be my pleasure.

- Joanna

Monday, August 20, 2012

All finished

Just like that, the season is over. We are offloading our equipment, and I'm cooking all the perishables as fast as possible. Ironically, Jeff and I can't go home yet because our house is rented out. We will stay on the boat a few extra days and get home soon enough. I'm looking forward to being on shore power. At that time, the guys will shut the generator off and this constant hum will go away. I will wait and see if I miss the noise.

More later. I'm working on a hearty beef stew for this cold, rainy day.
- Joanna

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Little, comforting things

There is no doubt that this summer has been a blast and an amazing experience. Jeff and I are enjoying being together instead of apart for months. Don't know when the season will end, but we are going to keep working until the last possible day!

Occasionally, I get homesick and miss being able to be in touch with friends and family. This usually happens when I'm tired and grumpy. So, I watch a few videos to make me laugh and remind me of what we have waiting for us at home. Here is one of those videos... Maybe it will make you all laugh too.

Funny sign

They say everything is big in Alaska. That certainly applies to this sign - a car on top of a dead tree. Absolutely cracked me up. Talk about using your resources! I wonder how they got it up there and secured...

- Joanna

Making breakfast

We are back in Seward and we have pancakes and sausage with fresh fruit for breakfast. This is the view out the galley window:

- Joanna

Friday, August 17, 2012

More goofin' around

We are off again! More to come!

- Joanna

Mama and her cubs

The cub spent a long time straddling that pipe. He finally got on top of it and promptly stuck his tongue out. Mama said it was time to go, and they followed shortly after. I have never seen brown bears like this before. I could have sat in the skiff and watched all day.

- Joanna

Location:Kitoi Bay


Good morning! Doing good, working hard and having fun.

YouTube Video

- Joanna

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Diggin' In!

I was happy I got this shot of this bear going for it. We have all had days like this, when you just got to get your head down in there, get wet, and get it done. What you may not realize while your busy doing this, is that your butt is hanging out for the world to see!

There will be more brown bear photos and videos. NOT TO WORRY - we are on a skiff, nice and safe. Besides, the bears are not interested in us at all. As you can see, their focus is on that yummy salmon that keeps swimming upstream into their waiting paws. It's the food chain in action.

- Joanna

Location:Kitoi Bay


Testing. Testing. Testing. Will video go thru? Let's find out.
This is bears at the fish ladder at the hatchery in Kitoi Bay

YouTube Video

- Joanna

Location:Kitoi Bay

Monday, August 13, 2012


Off we go again! I don't have a lot of photos of me, but a nice lady asked if she could take a picture for me. Here it is:

Hopefully we will be working until the end of August. It depends on the fishing, but we are doing good. A little tired, but that's ok. We will get some sleep eventually!
- Joanna


Life is good! This is the sunset on our way to Saw Mill Bay:

This is the sunrise this morning on our way back:

The season will be coming to an end soon, so we are enjoying every minute we have left. Little tired and worn out, but happy to be here with my husband / Captain and our great crew, Ty and Bryce. It's good when you can be thankful for what you have at the moment you have it, don't you think?

- Joanna

Birdhouse and wildflowers

This post was written on saturday, but lost service before it posted.

We were only in town for 8 hours. All is well. Running out of cooking ideas... Need more ways to cook fish! I have tons of salmon and 2 ways to cook it - that is just wrong on so many levels, as Mom would say.

This photo is for Ma. Ma, I think of you every time I cook and I love you! Sent another postcard in the mail today just for you and Pa.

- Joanna

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Back on land

Hello all. We have been going full blast this week and I have great photos and videos to share. This week was brown bear week without a doubt!

We were back in Kitoi Bay and had a great time. Brown bears everywhere! Made me really happy to be on the water and not on land with these guys roaming around. Jeff counted as many as 15 at the fish ladder! The hatchery folks tell us they have seen as many as 35.

We may be headed right back out. Don't know yet, but I will be in touch when I can.

- Joanna

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I only posted once, I think. We were in town less than 10 hours. Little worn out, but it's still beautiful!

- Joanna

Net full of fish

We have been out of range for 5 days, so I'm getting caught up on uploading photos and videos.

Hope you can watch the clip of the work we just finished in Kitoi Bay on Afognak Island (near Kodiak). We worked with the hatchery and a seiner, the Natalia, to catch 442,000 pounds of fish. Great day, mild weather and friendly people, with the exception of one, but he cheered up after a while. The sun peaked thru for a bit too.

Videos are on youtube under my full name, lower case, no spaces...

More to come... My love to everyone.

- Joanna

Location:Kitoi Bay

Net full of fish

Hello all!

We have been out of range for 5 days, so I'm getting caught up on uploading photos and videos. 

Hope you can watch the clip of the work we just finished in Kitoi Bay on Afognak Island (near Kodiak). We worked with the hatchery and a seiner, the Natalia, to catch 442,000 pounds of fish. Great day, mild weather and friendly people, with the exception of one, but he cheered up after a while. The sun peaked thru for a bit too.

All is well. The only problem is trying to get photos and videos off of my various devices and on to the blog! You tube might have them, not sure what got thru...

Take care,