Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Leaving Seward.

We are headed to Prince William Sound up near Valdez. 

Getting on and off the boat very nerve wracking!
Don't worry, I made it. Getting better at climbing around the boat. 

More to come!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Down there?

One of the most difficult parts of the job, getting on and off the boat at low and minus tides. Jeff helps me by straddling the gap or talking me thru it. It is a nerve wracking experience! I'm on the dock now, going to run errands and come back at high tide.

- Joanna


Monday, June 24, 2013

Crossed the Gulf of Alaska

First, let me say that we are thinking about our friends near the West Fork and Papoose fires in southwestern Colorado. It is difficult to be so far away while this tragedy is unfolding in the San Juan mountains, a place I have been lucky enough to call home since 1999. Thoughts and prayers go out to everyone dealing with this terrible fire. Well, we drove up the inside passage and it was amazing. On one of my wheel watches, dolphins came right at the boat and surfed out wake for a good 15 minutes:
Unlike a cruise, of course, we drove non-stop until Petersburg and only stayed there for 4 hours or so, then kept on driving. I came down with a bug that was going around on the boat, so my trip to Petersburg included a doctor's appointment. Got the antibiotics I needed but a weakened immune system and the open ocean was not a good combo. I immediately got sea sick as soon as we left Icy Straight. Here is a photo of the last thing I cooked - a chicken pot pie with Silver Dolphin Summer 2013 written in the crust:
Looking at the silver lining - it was quite a weight loss plan - I haven't eaten since Friday. I couldn't keep anything down. All I could do was drive and sleep. I could not go down into the galley at all. Jeff and the boys took good care of me, and I am very lucky that they pitched in with the cooking and everything else. I am not sure what all went on for the 3 day crossing. It is all a blur as the rolling ocean zapped all of my strength and Jeff hovered over me clearly very worried. I remember something about Chef Boyardee ravioli out of a can? I didn't eat it, but the boys did...and lots of frozen pizzas and hot pockets. This is good food to have in a pinch, but I try and cook healthier meals with fresh ingredients. When we pulled into Seward at about 3 am this morning, it was such a relief. I am finally feeling better and able to keep soups and yogurt down. It is also a pleasure to see many familiar faces here at the cannery. So we got off to a rough start, but that's all behind us now. Take care out there. Joanna

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Just left Canadian waters

All is well. Getting my sea legs back. Slow going. We have been driving nonstop since we left Seattle on Tuesday morning. No service, so I will keep this short... Latest lesson: when driving in almost complete darkness - trust the radar.

- Joanna

Location:Revillagigedo channel

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The 2013 season is about to start...

In Seattle, this is a quick clip of just moving the boat from one side of Fishermen's terminal to the other.the video is on YouTube and uunfortunatelywont play on blogger.   We have a busy day tomorrow and are planning to depart around midnight....

So, this is my first post of the new season. We have a great crew and a beautiful boat. The Silver Dolphin is so well cared for by the owners and it is our privilege to work on it during the summer season.

We will be in and out of communication range for the next 6 days or so. Just wanted to get started and let y'all know - ALL IS WELL!!

I have no idea what I am going to cook for the boys. I don't think I have cooked more than 6 meals since last summer. Jeff is always shocked when I suddenly end up in the kitchen. But, put me on a boat and I can figure it out! Have to get better on deck too.  I am a little rusty, but about to get busy again.... better learn fast.

Talk to you all soon.
