Sunday, July 1, 2012

Throwing the monkey ball

Well, it's actually called a monkey fist and it's a round knot thing on the end of a lighter line that you throw to the dock that is used to pull the heavier 4" line. I accidentally called it a monkey ball when I asked the guys to teach me how to throw it. Of course, they thought this was funny and now chuckle every time I call it a monkey ball for obvious reasons. This is part of living on a boat, laughing at things a nine year old boy would find funny. That's good though, I need to laugh more.

So anyway, we pulled into Seward this morning, and I'm on the bow ready to throw the monkey ball and all the guys are watching me. The guys on the dock and our crew. I threw that monkey ball as hard as I could and the guy on the dock caught it! This without any lessons (the guys never did help me practice during our down time). There is a lot of on the job training...

We are on charter now, so we are driving constantly. The hours are challenging but its still beautiful and we are having a good time...

The guys loved my quiche. Thanks Mom for the recipe!
- Joanna


  1. Joanna: Sounds like fun in the Salmon Ferry. Here's a tip about the quiche setting 'issue' and not being an early bird. Make it the night before, that way it's had time to set and you don't have to get up quite as early!

  2. Thank you Francis! Great idea, especially since we are usually working nights like tonight. Appreciate it! Take care,
