Friday, June 26, 2015


Well, we are in Larsen Bay after a few trips to and from Homer. All is well. There has been very little to report and no thrilling pictures to post. I have been photographing various ships that enter Larsen  Bay and Homer. Other than that, we have seen huge pods of Orcas and the occasional salmon jumping.

We should be heading to Seward soon. Just waiting to see if they still need us here.

Family and friends have been on my mind, most likely because we had BBQ ribs for dinner, making me think about the Quarters. I grew up on ribs. Tonight's meal was accompanied by twice-baked potatoes and a spinach salad. 

That is all. Just wanted to say hi.


  1. Thank you for the update. ☺

  2. Thank you for the update. ☺
